
When I was younger my plan was to be a veterinary nurse. I loved animals (still do) and I always thought of what I’d enjoy much more than I thought about earning a good salary and having a career.

I wasn’t determined or focused on my end goal and was easily deterred so when I couldn’t find the right course, I then moved to do a nursing course for one year and then fell into retail, where I worked my way up from a part time sales role to becoming the Area Manager of the highest turnover area of the UK’s no 1 cosmetics brand.

Looking back, I was definitely determined when the opportunities for promotion presented themselves but I hadn’t set out to go down this path.

I’d moved from N Ireland, to S Ireland to London with my career and felt happy and successful.

Six years in London and now with two small children, made me reflect. Two small children in an expensive city, childcare, tiredness, pressure, my stress bucket was at capacity. I was drowning.

I was no longer enjoying my career, I felt fear of change and had no focus or motivation, I got by day by day.

My son was diagnosed with ASC whilst at nursery and this was my catalyst for the move to Sussex. To create a quieter life, better for the kids.

I commuted to London every day for four months it was tough then I got a transfer with my work to be based in Sussex. It was still too much. I resigned and moved to Part time work in Brighton.

I felt like I was moving backwards.

Do you find when you give up your career you give up a little piece of you?

Whether it’s because you’ve become a parent or carer, maybe you’ve relocated, maybe you’ve been made redundant. The feeling is the same.

I accepted my life was now different, I allowed my primitive mind to comfort and reassure me that it didn’t matter, I’d had my career I was right where I needed to be.

I then began working for a network marketing Company but my heart wasn’t in it. I felt once again things were just ok that I was ok but now I know it was fear. 

Fear of failure, fear of change, fear of starting again.

Each time my husband had a suggestion: start your own consultancy company, email brands/companies you want to work with tell them your career history.

I always said No. It won’t work, they won’t allow me to be flexible, I’ve been out of the lop for too long.

It was Fear!

I then began doing a Personal Assistant role for a lovely disabled lady in her home. It got me out of the house and supporting someone else was rewarding as well as creating structure in my days. 

That day I saw the counselling course online was the day I found my new goal.

How interesting… I could work at my pace, have online support, no time pressure and maybe just maybe it would lead to something… I applied, there and then in the moment.

I made a decision. I parked the Fear. 

No classroom, no worries that I was too old to start, too out of practice to learn, just excitement at the potential.

Positive chemicals flowing from the hypothalamus..

Counselling lead to CBT, lead to Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, I woke up early in the mornings I went to bed late at nights, I got the work done, I didn’t procrastinate I knew what I needed to do and Omara Hypnotherapy was born.

Procrastination, Hell Yes, I procrastinate, every day. 

One of the biggest causes is Fear and not having a plan.

Should have done it ten years ago.

Have you ever said that?

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda!

What good does it bring us. I could reprimand myself daily.

What matters is you ‘choose’ to be solution focused now.

Procrastination can be worked on, overcome, it’s about knowing what you want and getting started.

As someone fairly new in my Industry I could tell myself I’ll never get there, I’ve got so much to learn, I could compare myself to the extremely successful people who’ve been doing this for so many years.

Then I think of the story of the Starfish by Lauren Eiseley, do you know it?

For every client I have supported, encouraged, taught and helped take control of their happiness, I feel grateful and proud, so being at the beginning of this journey is not daunting or pointless. It’s exciting, motivating and optimistic.

If you’re procrastinating and need help to refocus, realign, reignite. 

Book your Free Initial Consultation and let’s chat about how I can help you achieve the best You.



Omara Hypnotherapy.

Get Back To You

With life being so busy and thousands of thoughts coming and going through our minds every day we don’t often focus on bringing ourselves into our own awareness.


A feeling and action I’ve come to use, on a daily basis, for myself as an individual and as a therapist supporting others.

If you don’t think the positive thought, then how can you react in a positive way. If our brain doesn’t know to think the thought it will follow the pattern it’s used to, whether that’s positive or negative, if we want to change it we need to be aware of it

Bringing ourselves into our own awareness can be done through breathing techniques, habit changes and a decision to make positive change.

So, ask yourself:

Who are you?

You are not your past, your culture, your work, your situation. You are not stuck, you are not lost and if you really feel that way, there is always a way back.

You are your feelings your own true self and with practice and awareness you can decide what they will be and how you want to articulate them. 

By using the power of your mind, you can get back to you!

Where are you?

Sometimes we find ourselves in a place in our lives and we’re not quite sure how we’ve got there.

Maybe you’ve come so far, great career, great family, financial security but you just don’t feel connected, at ease, happy.

Maybe you feel you have none of those things, you feel you’ve muddled through, accepted average, procrastinated about everything always.

With the support of hypnotherapy and by using the power of your mind you can find yourself!

Where are you going?

Where do you want to be?

Get clear focus on who you are, where you are and where you’re going by understanding how your subconscious mind works, by guiding it, knowing when to follow current habits and knowing when to replace them. Your subconscious mind will follow the pattern in your thoughts and actions, it’s your comfort zone, it will not advise you to leave your comfort zone as this is what it knows.

Be who you want to be!

Awareness is using your conscious mind, asking yourself the right questions to create positive thoughts. 

Our brain only knows what we tell it. It doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality. 

 Asking ourselves the question allows us to form the thought. 

Using the power of our intellectual mind helps us to make clear decisions and thoughts around what we do want, this causes us to then want to repeat the pattern.

If this blog resonates with you, if you’re nodding your head and saying hmm, ‘this is me’ then come and join me for my in person 4 week course in June. You’ll be working with other like minded individuals in a group environment. It will  be supportive, comforting and rewarding. 

It can also be grounding, clarifying and cathartic.

My first course begins on the 22nd of June at 7.30pm, for 4 consecutive  weeks, in Kingweald Community Centre in Burgess Hill, bring yourself back to your Awareness!

Helping every-day people every day!



Omara Hypnotherapy.

Positive Quotes Are Not For Everyone

The month of April has definitely brought with it those April showers, hasn’t it?

Isn’t it funny how the weather is always a topic of conversation?

It can often be the influence of how we begin the day; you look out the window and see the rain and just want to pull the covers back over your head- you get that caveman feeling of not wanting to do today. Just wanting to stay right where you are, under the duvet!

Or maybe you spring out of bed, excited about what the day will bring you- hail, rain or shine?  

Now: I can’t control the weather; but I can control the way I allow it to make me feel- and so can you!

This month, I want to talk about positive quotes and how they resonate with us.

They might cause some of us to roll our eyes at the disingenuousness of it all- whereas for others, they love them.

Maybe some days you read them and they resonate with you and other days they’re just ‘woo woo’ clap-trap, completely disconnected from reality.

Someone sends you a quote on social media and you think “That’s so thoughtful!”- and then you realise they’ve sent the same quote and message to twenty other friends…

You see, it’s not actually about the quote itself, it’s about the connection: the thought it makes you think, the feeling it makes you feel.

When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you do?

Do you get up straight away? Do you maybe snooze the alarm… up to 5 times? Reach for your phone? If so, which platform are you on? Social media, the news, your emails, your bank account?

Do you look at positive affirmations? Do you exercise when you wake? 

Do stretches? Can you truly, hand on heart, tell yourself you are setting yourself up for the best day ahead?

Are you taking in positive information? Talking to yourself in a positive way?

Are you giving your mind and body what it needs?

‘Thinking’ positive thoughts causes us to ‘interact’ positively and ‘act’ positively.

In the world of Hypnotherapy, we call these our 3P’s.

Setting out with the intent to have a good day is helped and supported by our daily actions.

So: you don’t have to wake up to motivational quotes, they don’t need to be on your wall, you don’t need to have one as your daily mantra- but imagine if you consciously decide each morning that ‘Today is going to be a good day.’

Imagine that when you read that quote, whatever it might be, it makes you think good thoughts, thoughts which invigorate positive memories in your past- or exciting times for your future?

Imagine if you read it and smile, allowing it to radiate within rather than drain you…

You see, the quote itself can be a totally rubbish one- the quote itself is not the point, it is the way that it makes you feel that counts!

Me? I do love a good quote; I have a calendar of 365 of them on my desk at home- I have one on my bedroom wall that I see every night before bed and I have a box full of them in my therapy room; I don’t need you to feel the same.

Just do what makes you happy.

Please do feel free to share any favourite quotes with me, I’ll welcome them with open arms. Message me now.



Success Won’t Come To You

Was I nervous to start a new career path in my late 40”s?


I’d worked in the same career for 20 years, started as a Saturday girl to being Area Manager of the highest turnover area in the UK.

Then being a mum of two little people I had to make a change.

I loved what I did but the hours and travelling no longer worked around my family’s needs.

I took a career break was a stay at home mum and then deciding to ‘go back’ to whatever that was, became frightening. 

My brain didn’t have the hustle any more, my confidence to attend an interview was shot to pieces and I didn’t want to work hours that would mean I couldn’t see my kids.

I made lots of excuses… We do that don’t we… Make excuses. 

Our brains tell us ‘Stories’ it’s ok, you’re allowed to feel nervous, don’t push yourself, something will turn up, you’re mostly happy. 

You’re right it would be too much for you, anyway you should have made this decision years ago, it’s too late now, no point in starting something new now.

Sound Familiar?

Fear of failing and rejection keeps us trapped. Prevents us from striving. Pushing ourselves. Tells us not to upsent the apple cart. 

Not because our brains are cruel, in fact it’s the opposite, the primitive mind thinks it’s helping us.

 It think’s it’s keeping us safe from disappointment and potential failure.

The brain does not know the difference between imagination and reality, it listens to what you tell it.

So, after years of managing and training in a ‘job’ working for an employer then working in the world of network marketing, (a world that just wasn’t right for me) I found my brave and decided to do a course in counselling.

I then side stepped into Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy and here I am to stay.

Being self employed is scary. No guarantees, no team, no payment if I’m sick or on holidays. 

I could tell myself lots of ‘excuses’ ‘stories’ about why I shouldn’t do it.

In reality, I ‘had to’ find my brave and make a change, so the stories I told myself were outweighing the risks.

Imagine if I can do it? Imagine if I get that balance with work life home life? Imagine the feeling I will have to know I’m making a difference to people who are just like me?

I want to make a difference to every day people, everyday.

So, I say again, success won’t come to you, you need to go chase it!

Success can be small things:

*Applying for that role you really want to do.

*Asking yourself, what can I do today for only me?

*What direction do I want to go in to reach my next goal?

*Who is a support to me in my life?

*Who is holding me back?

I’m unsure about the future holds but I look at it with positive eyes… I can’t see what it will bring so why shouldn’t I imagine it will be bright and successful!

Omara Hypnotherapy is exactly where it needs to be, for now. I still have fears, I’m sure I always will but they won’t prevent me from success.

I won’t look back, I’m not going that way.

If you suffer with feelings of overwhelm, self sabotage and lack of confidence contact me, I support clients in finding their success every day.

Make the change…



Positivity Is A Superpower

So, as I sit on the plane to Tenerife I’m reading a lovely book and it’s got me thinking.

What kind of person are you…
Who you are, isn’t that the most important thing of all. (RJ Palacio, Wonder)

As a solution focused psychotherapist and hypnotherapist I work with clients on each session discussing where they are in life and where they want to get to.
Their reasons for coming to see me will widely vary but the requirement for the end result is always to feel better than they do currently…

The problem with this is often they don’t actually have the answer to what that is!
When you’re feeling lost, it’s those feelings you’re aware of not the ones you want to get to.
So understanding who you are and who you want to be is extremely important, otherwise your brain can’t help you get there…

You see your brain is like a genie 🧞‍♀️ it thinks ‘you’re wish is my command’ it thinks the thought and carry’s out the action that you tell it to…it doesn’t k ow how to do it differently.

💥A parent for example… 
They often base their happiness on the happiness of their children…
When asked to scale their level of happiness 8/10 parents will answer it based on their children’s actions feelings and needs.
Whether the children are young or old they’ve parked their needs as second to their child’s.
💥 Someone in an unhappy relationship, they’ve lived this way for such a long time they’ve lost their voice and resigned themselves to ‘this is what I’m used to, I have no expectations of my needs any more.
💥A person unhappy with their work, they feel afraid to move to another job/career for fear of the unknown.
💥Feeling unhappy with their weight, they’ve felt this way for years and feel that positive change is just so far out of reach what’s the point in trying…

You get the picture… 🖼️ 

So, I ask again…
What type of person are you & now…
What type of person do you want to become?


It can take courage to recognise you want to make change but when you take that first step and really see the possibilities you’ll be amazed at how much closer you’ll get to becoming that person you really want to be…

Hypnotherapy has helped me understand how to make positive changes in my life, for myself and the people I love…

It can do the same for you. 🙂

Karen x

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all!

(I can still say that, can’t I?)

I’m pleased to be in the month of January, in a brand new year.

My teenage boy struggled a bit in the Christmas holidays as his routine was all over the place, late waking up, late going to bed, lots of down time, drifting onto his computer every chance he got.

Sounds great doesn’t it- but for a child with autism this can be challenging, and thereby challenging for the family.

We’ve begun the year with him on a social awareness programme in school and us as parents on a six-week parenting course, further research for support on the cards.

Why am I telling you this? Because I made a decision to do something about it.

We needed to make change, to support our boy and our family.

We’re by no means sorted, we’re on a journey but without a head in the sand, solution-focused all the way.

Although to make change for ourselves, this can be more challenging. We can often find it easier to achieve this if it involves someone else, our self-talk can be less encouraging, less proactive, so we can find ourselves just tiddling along as we are and not achieving what we want from our day to day life.

If you yourself struggle with anxiety or low self esteem, making this change can seem like an impossible feat.

So how about if we change the way we think about anxiety?

What if we don’t try to make it go away, but instead begin by recognising it and getting to understand it for what it is.

When I explain to a client how our brain works, I talk to them about how their body would react if they encountered a polar bear in their path. Phew, the mind and body would go straight to the Amygdala (fight/flight/freeze) and quite understandably we’d be off like a shot.

But if we don’t face our polar bears head-on we will find that they seem to get bigger or that there are more of them in our daily lives, problem by problem.

We need to get to know that polar bear!

Now, it’s very important that our Amygdala alerts us in the genuine circumstances of danger but we need it to hush when the situation is just a feeling and not a fact.

So if you are beginning this new year wanting it to be better than the last, how about seeing situations that cause you anxiety as little hurdles to overcome, and striving daily with small steps towards empowering your mind.

I decided my small steps would be to up my running, to be outside in nature whilst I exercise. This makes me feel alive and energised; I won’t allow my primitive mind to feel worried and anxious about how I can support my son, I’m taking steps towards supporting him and taking steps towards supporting myself.

I also joined a choir, something I’d talked about doing for many years but always felt that polar bear feeling, making excuses- how can I go alone?- where would I go?- I wouldn’t have the time. 

I’ve only been to two sessions but I absolutely love it already. It’s quite amazing how singing in a large group makes you feel.

So, this year, you don’t need to make big annual plans for change (although you can if you’re ready to!). Just begin to recognise where you are and decide what the next step is for you to increase your happiness.

Don’t spend time trying to make others recognise your needs. Once you recognise your needs, others will too.

My son is starting a journal. We discussed this after a Zoom I attended on supporting our children with Dr Pooky Knightsmith. I hope it will be a tool for him to brain dump whenever he feels worried, excited about future events, or when he wants to express feelings that he doesn’t want to share.

Awareness allows the Amygdala to re-programme. We don’t want anxiety to go away; sometimes it keeps us safe. We just need to understand its needs.

Enjoy the rest of your January, I’m off to Mallorca at the weekend with my husband, just the two of us for some sunshine, nice food and quality time, planning to increase those levels of serotonin with positive thinking, positive actions and positive interactions.

Enjoy the rest of your month, if you need me, my inbox is always open.



December Thoughts

December, the last month of our year, the month where so much seems so poignant.

Our thoughts may be on finances, lost loved ones, time management, family, goals, end of year dead lines…the list goes on.

We have a whole eleven months to get there from one year to the next but it often seems to spring itself on us faster than expected.

This time last year, I’d just completed my counselling course, I’d also just passed a very challenging assignment for my hypnotherapy course and I was excited and apprehensive about the year ahead.

Here I am in December 2022 and my business is established, I have regular clients, premises and a completed website, these are three of my goals I wanted to achieve completed. My affirmation: I am confident and capable in what I do!

I had many more goals, some have moved forward from where they were, some were pushed to the wayside but my biggest achievement this year is to recognise how much I have changed.

How my reactions to situations have changed, how much more at ease I am; I’m still on my own journey- but I feel I’m on the right path, I constantly facilitate change more effectively.

Deciding to retrain, to begin a new career is something I really wanted to do. It was important to me, I made many excuses for years but looking back it was fear of failure that held me back. Excuses, feelings of self sabotage, ‘what if I fail?’.

January does not have to be the month for change, change can be right now. Progress doesn’t have to be the completed task, its about beginning and letting go of the outcome.

When we wait, repeat the same things day in day out, our primitive mind is at ease; it wants to keep you safe and doesn’t invite you to change routines, change habits; it allows you to accept rather than react. When you take charge of those feelings and make decisions with your intellectual mind the fear is reduced, the positive chemicals flow- and you feel excited about the future.

Hypnotherapy can help you do that; the thoughts in your subconscious mind will work in your favour if you listen to what your initiative is telling you. 

Focus on transforming you to the best you possible.

Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. 

– Helen Keller.

Whether it’s daily habits around food, work, fitness, anxiety, sleep, delegation, communication, patience, organisation- the list goes on; you can make positive change, today.

Telling yourself this is motivation in itself.So, I end this blog wishing all of you who celebrate Christmas a very Merry one-and to each and every one of you a happy, and healthy, 2023.

Your Journey

A few days left of this month and then we’re into December 2022.
How often do we say or hear the phrase ‘Time goes so fast’ or ‘I cant quite believe this year’s nearly over, already!’

This can be a good thing- if you feel you’ve achieved all the things you wanted to- but not so good if you’re still in exactly the same place as you were when the year began.

This is all related to how we think; you see, our brains don’t totally disconnect imagination and reality. If you tell yourself that you’re exactly where you want to be, then your brain will agree and be at ease with that.

We all have different expectations in life as to what brings us joy.
The most important thing is that where you are is where you want to be, un- influenced by others, and at ease with yourself.
This could refer to where you are in your home life, work life, parent life, student life- or all of the above.

I’ve come to the realisation that as much as my goals are important to me- and, of course, I feel happy when I achieve them- they are not a definition of failure if I’m not yet where I want to be.

I ask myself the question:
Have I done the work?
Have I been realistic with my expectations?
Have I recognised and praised myself when I have moved forward?

Writing down my ‘What’s been good in my day’ has really supported this and allowed me to reflect on where I am and where I’m going- I’d encourage you to do the same.

Watching clients progress in their sessions and hearing their language change in regard to how they think is wonderful.
We can all change our thinking if it’s not bringing us joy.

We begin here…

Then we choose the goals we have in our home life, work life, parent life student life etc.

Goals can be simple consistent actions occurring in our every day life.

To walk more, to read more, to ‘feel our brave’, right up to larger life-changing goals, a bigger house, a promotion, a family, a career change…

I can help you to see this more clearly. Whether your sessions are finished, or whether you’re in current sessions its good to re-address these goals. Sometimes the awareness is in itself enough.

Keep going: it doesn’t matter at what speed, it is your path, your journey; just don’t look back- you’re not going that way.


Omara Hypnotherapy.

Where It All Began

What better subject to begin with than self belief, a topic I discuss with many of my clients on a weekly basis.

My self belief… It has ebbed and flowed through out my life. 

Am I smart enough to be successful in my career, am I brave enough to move to England away from Ireland where I grew  up, will I be good enough as a parent, the list continues.

Here I was in my mid 40’s, having left my career as an Area Manager many years before to be around more for my children, with no direction or plan towards what I wanted for ME.

Then a friend told me I should take a look at the course she’d done, how I’d love it, how she loved it and how it would be so aligned with me as a person and my current skill sets…Rather than the usual nodding but not following up, I took action…

AND the beginnings of Omara Hypnotherapy began.

I took that leap of faith, I decided I would not listen to the fears and doubts in my head, because they weren’t as clear as the excitement and focus I had for the possibilities for the future.

I’ve always had the support of my husband telling me I can do anything I put my mind to but I needed to believe that WITHIN MYSELF  first and foremost.

I now know the changes I need to put in place to practice self hypnosis on myself, I look forward to teaching you how to do the same.

My inbox is opened.