A new month and, for Omara Hypnotherapy, I’ve officially been writing this blog for over a year.
Some of you may have read all of them, some this might be your first; so welcome- and thank you for reading.
It has made me reflect on that year: achievements, mistakes, learning, facing my fears… but, most importantly, how privileged I feel to have been able to help and support so many people.
I often get asked by my clients in workshops or initial consultations- “Will I be able to do it, to be hypnotised?”
Trance is something we all do every day. When we’re driving, running, cooking, watching television. Times when we are drifting and dreaming, processing our thoughts… you do that, all by yourself. Coming to see me allows you to learn brain training which supports the re-wiring of those new neural pathways.
I love diving into the fascinating world of neuroscience and how it helps us to understand our brains; I’ve shared this with many of you- some in more depth than others- and how it allows us to unravel the mechanisms at play during a hypnotherapy session.
Coaching clients on how to build confidence and increase self-esteem, to lower stress and anxiety has been a real privilege. To watch real-life success stories and to hear evidence-based positive thoughts, interactions and actions (The 3P’s!) is so super for cultivating positive self-image. Allowing clients to investigate the impact of consciously choosing thoughts which support and uplift them quite quickly lets them begin to reshape negative thought patterns, and to foster a mindset which is conducive to personal success.
I will always support you in unravelling the secrets to unlocking your happiness through hypnotherapy.
You will know that I’m often open and honest about my own journey of self-discovery, recognising my personal growth, and overcoming those internal hurdles. I’ve had many pivotal moments which have led to the cultivation of internal confidence and self-acceptance- embracing my individuality; something which I encourage you all to do.
When we find that, we can break free from the comparison trap and embrace our own unique journey: then we begin to see true transformation.
Research has proved that hypnotherapy contributes to positive emotional well-being. Are you still using your tools? Are you finding that you just speak differently to yourself, your inner voice is now more supportive, more solution-focused?
The impact of consciously choosing thoughts which support and uplift is a profound exploration of the mind- something with practice you can achieve.
I share my personal evolution in the hope of inspiring and supporting you on your unique journey.
Remember: it’s not about where you are but the direction in which you are headed. Together, let’s embrace the small steps, choose thoughts that uplift, and cultivate the internal confidence needed to thrive without comparison or criticism.
You can control your focus, your attitude, your actions, your words.
I can be your ear and your guidance to support you. Your journey matters, and I’m here to support you every step of the way!
Whether you’ve attended a workshop with me or been a 1-2-1 client, I am always supporting your progress towards finding your happiness, your contentment.
If you would benefit from a couple of sessions to get back on track, to reconnect with those tools you’ve been given- or to just have a safe comfortable space where you can focus on you for just a moment, please feel free to book.
If you’re right where you want to be- tell me, message me, I’d love to hear from you.
I’m proud of how far you’ve come…
Love, Karen.