This months blog is to support all the parents and carers of teens in exam time. Read it and share it with your kids and anyone else you feel it may help or support. I have many teens on a weekly basis who come to my clinic for support with stress and anxiety, from social […]
Author: omara75
Unlocking Financial Freedom
Navigating Your Subconscious Mind Feeling stuck financially can be like navigating through a maze with no clear exit.Causing us to feel stress and anxiety about every cost, bills, groceries, childcare toname but a few but what if I told you the key to unlocking financial freedom lieswithin the depths of your subconscious mind. As a […]
My Super Power!
What does Confidence mean to you? Unlocking Confidence: A Journey Within It’s not about being that person in the room who attracts everyone’s attention, it’s not about being the prettiest, smartest, fittest. It’s a word we often hear, but what does it truly mean to you? Is it the unwavering belief in yourself, your abilities, […]
New Year, Same You But Happier
January 2024. A new year doesn’t have to be daunting. It doesn’t have to be full of new intentions to be richer, fitter, more focused, with bigger goals and ideas. These are all super things to do if that excites you but what if you’re over halfway through the month and you feel exhausted already, […]
My Checklist of Needs I’m Sharing With You
Hooray, we’ve made it to the last month of another year, well done us! We all have our own story to tell about 2023, the highs, lows, things you’ll choose to remember, things you’ll choose to forget. Struggles, needs, goals, successes. Reflection is an opportunity for you to choose how you want to move forward, […]
You Decide Your Direction
Hello, A new month and, for Omara Hypnotherapy, I’ve officially been writing this blog for over a year. Some of you may have read all of them, some this might be your first; so welcome- and thank you for reading. It has made me reflect on that year: achievements, mistakes, learning, facing my fears… but, […]
You Are Your Only Limit
Unleash the Power Within: Harnessing Subconscious Thoughts for a Happier Life This month I want to take you on a journey into the fascinating world of the subconscious mind and how acting from your inner self can transform your life. Do you know that 95% of your actions are done subconsciously? Understanding the Subconscious Mind […]
Helping You Take The Path In Overcoming Your Phobia
Hypnotherapy: The Magical Wand for Phobias – Science Meets Solutions. Here we are at the end of another month. This time a new season too. Hello Autumn, what a mild one it’s been so far. I’ve been seeing a lot of phobia clients this month so thought it apt that Phobias should be the context […]
Navigating The Transition
In this the last few days of August I thought it may be useful to chat about, empty nest syndrome, a common yet often overlooked emotional experience that can lead to feelings of sadness, loss, and loneliness as children leave home to pursue their own lives. As a clinical solution-focused hypnotherapist, I offer valuable insights […]
Understanding Teenagers
As a parent to two teenagers, I understand some of the challenges they face. Also, as a therapist who works closely with teenagers, I get to support them in facing this beautiful challenging world by adding tools in their tool box to become confident and at ease with the people they are- and want to […]