A few days left of this month and then we’re into December 2022.
How often do we say or hear the phrase ‘Time goes so fast’ or ‘I cant quite believe this year’s nearly over, already!’
This can be a good thing- if you feel you’ve achieved all the things you wanted to- but not so good if you’re still in exactly the same place as you were when the year began.
This is all related to how we think; you see, our brains don’t totally disconnect imagination and reality. If you tell yourself that you’re exactly where you want to be, then your brain will agree and be at ease with that.
We all have different expectations in life as to what brings us joy.
The most important thing is that where you are is where you want to be, un- influenced by others, and at ease with yourself.
This could refer to where you are in your home life, work life, parent life, student life- or all of the above.
I’ve come to the realisation that as much as my goals are important to me- and, of course, I feel happy when I achieve them- they are not a definition of failure if I’m not yet where I want to be.
I ask myself the question:
Have I done the work?
Have I been realistic with my expectations?
Have I recognised and praised myself when I have moved forward?
Writing down my ‘What’s been good in my day’ has really supported this and allowed me to reflect on where I am and where I’m going- I’d encourage you to do the same.
Watching clients progress in their sessions and hearing their language change in regard to how they think is wonderful.
We can all change our thinking if it’s not bringing us joy.
We begin here…
Then we choose the goals we have in our home life, work life, parent life student life etc.
Goals can be simple consistent actions occurring in our every day life.
To walk more, to read more, to ‘feel our brave’, right up to larger life-changing goals, a bigger house, a promotion, a family, a career change…
I can help you to see this more clearly. Whether your sessions are finished, or whether you’re in current sessions its good to re-address these goals. Sometimes the awareness is in itself enough.
Keep going: it doesn’t matter at what speed, it is your path, your journey; just don’t look back- you’re not going that way.
Omara Hypnotherapy.