Was I nervous to start a new career path in my late 40”s?
I’d worked in the same career for 20 years, started as a Saturday girl to being Area Manager of the highest turnover area in the UK.
Then being a mum of two little people I had to make a change.
I loved what I did but the hours and travelling no longer worked around my family’s needs.
I took a career break was a stay at home mum and then deciding to ‘go back’ to whatever that was, became frightening.
My brain didn’t have the hustle any more, my confidence to attend an interview was shot to pieces and I didn’t want to work hours that would mean I couldn’t see my kids.
I made lots of excuses… We do that don’t we… Make excuses.
Our brains tell us ‘Stories’ it’s ok, you’re allowed to feel nervous, don’t push yourself, something will turn up, you’re mostly happy.
You’re right it would be too much for you, anyway you should have made this decision years ago, it’s too late now, no point in starting something new now.
Sound Familiar?
Fear of failing and rejection keeps us trapped. Prevents us from striving. Pushing ourselves. Tells us not to upsent the apple cart.
Not because our brains are cruel, in fact it’s the opposite, the primitive mind thinks it’s helping us.
It think’s it’s keeping us safe from disappointment and potential failure.
The brain does not know the difference between imagination and reality, it listens to what you tell it.
So, after years of managing and training in a ‘job’ working for an employer then working in the world of network marketing, (a world that just wasn’t right for me) I found my brave and decided to do a course in counselling.
I then side stepped into Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy and here I am to stay.
Being self employed is scary. No guarantees, no team, no payment if I’m sick or on holidays.
I could tell myself lots of ‘excuses’ ‘stories’ about why I shouldn’t do it.
In reality, I ‘had to’ find my brave and make a change, so the stories I told myself were outweighing the risks.
Imagine if I can do it? Imagine if I get that balance with work life home life? Imagine the feeling I will have to know I’m making a difference to people who are just like me?
I want to make a difference to every day people, everyday.
So, I say again, success won’t come to you, you need to go chase it!
Success can be small things:
*Applying for that role you really want to do.
*Asking yourself, what can I do today for only me?
*What direction do I want to go in to reach my next goal?
*Who is a support to me in my life?
*Who is holding me back?
I’m unsure about the future holds but I look at it with positive eyes… I can’t see what it will bring so why shouldn’t I imagine it will be bright and successful!
Omara Hypnotherapy is exactly where it needs to be, for now. I still have fears, I’m sure I always will but they won’t prevent me from success.
I won’t look back, I’m not going that way.
If you suffer with feelings of overwhelm, self sabotage and lack of confidence contact me, I support clients in finding their success every day.
Make the change…