When I was younger my plan was to be a veterinary nurse. I loved animals (still do) and I always thought of what I’d enjoy much more than I thought about earning a good salary and having a career.
I wasn’t determined or focused on my end goal and was easily deterred so when I couldn’t find the right course, I then moved to do a nursing course for one year and then fell into retail, where I worked my way up from a part time sales role to becoming the Area Manager of the highest turnover area of the UK’s no 1 cosmetics brand.
Looking back, I was definitely determined when the opportunities for promotion presented themselves but I hadn’t set out to go down this path.
I’d moved from N Ireland, to S Ireland to London with my career and felt happy and successful.
Six years in London and now with two small children, made me reflect. Two small children in an expensive city, childcare, tiredness, pressure, my stress bucket was at capacity. I was drowning.
I was no longer enjoying my career, I felt fear of change and had no focus or motivation, I got by day by day.
My son was diagnosed with ASC whilst at nursery and this was my catalyst for the move to Sussex. To create a quieter life, better for the kids.
I commuted to London every day for four months it was tough then I got a transfer with my work to be based in Sussex. It was still too much. I resigned and moved to Part time work in Brighton.
I felt like I was moving backwards.
Do you find when you give up your career you give up a little piece of you?
Whether it’s because you’ve become a parent or carer, maybe you’ve relocated, maybe you’ve been made redundant. The feeling is the same.
I accepted my life was now different, I allowed my primitive mind to comfort and reassure me that it didn’t matter, I’d had my career I was right where I needed to be.
I then began working for a network marketing Company but my heart wasn’t in it. I felt once again things were just ok that I was ok but now I know it was fear.
Fear of failure, fear of change, fear of starting again.
Each time my husband had a suggestion: start your own consultancy company, email brands/companies you want to work with tell them your career history.
I always said No. It won’t work, they won’t allow me to be flexible, I’ve been out of the lop for too long.
It was Fear!
I then began doing a Personal Assistant role for a lovely disabled lady in her home. It got me out of the house and supporting someone else was rewarding as well as creating structure in my days.
That day I saw the counselling course online was the day I found my new goal.
How interesting… I could work at my pace, have online support, no time pressure and maybe just maybe it would lead to something… I applied, there and then in the moment.
I made a decision. I parked the Fear.
No classroom, no worries that I was too old to start, too out of practice to learn, just excitement at the potential.
Positive chemicals flowing from the hypothalamus..
Counselling lead to CBT, lead to Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy, I woke up early in the mornings I went to bed late at nights, I got the work done, I didn’t procrastinate I knew what I needed to do and Omara Hypnotherapy was born.
Procrastination, Hell Yes, I procrastinate, every day.
One of the biggest causes is Fear and not having a plan.
Should have done it ten years ago.
Have you ever said that?
Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda!
What good does it bring us. I could reprimand myself daily.
What matters is you ‘choose’ to be solution focused now.
Procrastination can be worked on, overcome, it’s about knowing what you want and getting started.
As someone fairly new in my Industry I could tell myself I’ll never get there, I’ve got so much to learn, I could compare myself to the extremely successful people who’ve been doing this for so many years.
Then I think of the story of the Starfish by Lauren Eiseley, do you know it?
For every client I have supported, encouraged, taught and helped take control of their happiness, I feel grateful and proud, so being at the beginning of this journey is not daunting or pointless. It’s exciting, motivating and optimistic.
If you’re procrastinating and need help to refocus, realign, reignite.
Book your Free Initial Consultation and let’s chat about how I can help you achieve the best You.
Omara Hypnotherapy.