December, the last month of our year, the month where so much seems so poignant.
Our thoughts may be on finances, lost loved ones, time management, family, goals, end of year dead lines…the list goes on.
We have a whole eleven months to get there from one year to the next but it often seems to spring itself on us faster than expected.
This time last year, I’d just completed my counselling course, I’d also just passed a very challenging assignment for my hypnotherapy course and I was excited and apprehensive about the year ahead.
Here I am in December 2022 and my business is established, I have regular clients, premises and a completed website, these are three of my goals I wanted to achieve completed. My affirmation: I am confident and capable in what I do!
I had many more goals, some have moved forward from where they were, some were pushed to the wayside but my biggest achievement this year is to recognise how much I have changed.
How my reactions to situations have changed, how much more at ease I am; I’m still on my own journey- but I feel I’m on the right path, I constantly facilitate change more effectively.
Deciding to retrain, to begin a new career is something I really wanted to do. It was important to me, I made many excuses for years but looking back it was fear of failure that held me back. Excuses, feelings of self sabotage, ‘what if I fail?’.
January does not have to be the month for change, change can be right now. Progress doesn’t have to be the completed task, its about beginning and letting go of the outcome.
When we wait, repeat the same things day in day out, our primitive mind is at ease; it wants to keep you safe and doesn’t invite you to change routines, change habits; it allows you to accept rather than react. When you take charge of those feelings and make decisions with your intellectual mind the fear is reduced, the positive chemicals flow- and you feel excited about the future.
Hypnotherapy can help you do that; the thoughts in your subconscious mind will work in your favour if you listen to what your initiative is telling you.
Focus on transforming you to the best you possible.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
– Helen Keller.
Whether it’s daily habits around food, work, fitness, anxiety, sleep, delegation, communication, patience, organisation- the list goes on; you can make positive change, today.
Telling yourself this is motivation in itself.So, I end this blog wishing all of you who celebrate Christmas a very Merry one-and to each and every one of you a happy, and healthy, 2023.