Conquer Exam Stress

This months blog is to support all the parents and carers of teens in exam time. 

Read it and share it with your kids and anyone else you feel it may help or support. 

I have many teens on a weekly basis who come to my clinic for support with stress and anxiety, from social anxiety to doing their driving test and many come feeling pressures of school and exams.

The mere mention of the word can send shivers down the spines of even the most confident teenagers.

 As a solution-focused hypnotherapist, I feel this is a poignant time to share some top tips and shed some light on how hypnotherapy can be their secret weapon in conquering exam stress. 

 First things first, let’s tackle the beast head-on. Exam stress is that polar bear feeling that creeps up when they least expect it. It’s that feeling of butterflies in the stomach, the racing thoughts, and the overwhelming pressure to perform so  we just need to remind our teens that they have way more power than they give themselves credit for! 

No 1. Breathe…

When stress starts to rear its ugly head,in the form of a polar bear or a monster or whatever it is our teens feel they’re dealing with, tell them to take a moment and  to breathe deeply. 

To inhale for four counts, hold for four, and exhale for four.

 Repeat this a few times, and watch as the body and mind start to relax. 

(parent or carer, you do this too).

 No 2 Break it Down…

 Don’t let the enormity of exams overwhelm them. Break the study sessions into manageable chunks and focus on one topic at a time. 

This will help prevent that feeling of being buried under a mountain of textbooks, especially if they really don’t connect with their teacher or subject. Remind them that they just need to get through it, they don’t ever have to love either the subject or the teacher but think about how amazing they will feel when they’ve passed and if they choose, they never need to do this subject again. Ironically this mind shift can often make them realise they don’t actually hate the subject after all.

No 3 Move the Body…

Exercise isn’t just good for your physical health; it’s also a powerful stress-buster. Take regular breaks to stretch, go for a walk, or indulge in a quick dance around their bedroom. 

Parent/Carer, you do this too, your brain will thank you for it!

No 4 Laugh it off…

Laughter truly is the best medicine. 

Watching a funny movie, scrolling through some hilarious memes, or sharing a joke with their friends. Humour has a magical way of melting stress away. 

For all of you.

No 5 Visualise Success…

Closing their eyes and imagining how they’re  going to ace that exam with confidence. 

Picturing themselves walking out of the exam hall with a big smile on their face, knowing that they gave it their all.

Visualisation can be a powerful tool in boosting self-belief, allowing the brain to focus on success not failure. 

The Magic of Hypnotherapy:

Now, let’s talk about the not-so-secret weapon against exam stress: hypnotherapy. 

It’s a scientifically proven technique that taps into the power of the subconscious mind to promote relaxation, focus, and confidence. Through hypnotherapy, I can support your teens to rewire those negative thought patterns that fuel exam stress and to replace them with positive affirmations. 

I can teach them techniques to support their mind to stay calm and centered, even in the midst of exam chaos and best of all, I can help them to unleash their full potential to allow them to perform at their very best.

Studies have shown that hypnotherapy can significantly reduce anxiety levels in students, improve concentration and memory retention, and boost overall academic performance. 

I encourage them to imagine walking into that exam room feeling cool, calm, and collected, knowing that they have the tools to succeed.

So, as they navigate the turbulent waters of exam season, remind them that they are not alone. 

With the right mindset, a sprinkle of humour, and the power of hypnotherapy on their side, they can conquer exam stress and emerge victorious. 

To discuss how I can support your teen through their exam journey, I offer a free initial consultation, online or in person so they have a no obligation opportunity to decide if they’d like to proceed. 

I work with neuro typical and neuro diverse teens.

They are already super hero’s, they just don’t know it yet! 

As a parent with 2 teenagers going through GCSE’s and A level exams next year I am using the above advice for myself and my kids.


Karen 😊