When I was younger my plan was to be a veterinary nurse. I loved animals (still do) and I always thought of what I’d enjoy much more than I thought about earning a good salary and having a career. I wasn’t determined or focused on my end goal and was easily deterred so when I […]
Author: omara75
Get Back To You
With life being so busy and thousands of thoughts coming and going through our minds every day we don’t often focus on bringing ourselves into our own awareness. Awareness… A feeling and action I’ve come to use, on a daily basis, for myself as an individual and as a therapist supporting others. If you don’t […]
Positive Quotes Are Not For Everyone
The month of April has definitely brought with it those April showers, hasn’t it? Isn’t it funny how the weather is always a topic of conversation? It can often be the influence of how we begin the day; you look out the window and see the rain and just want to pull the covers back […]
Success Won’t Come To You
Was I nervous to start a new career path in my late 40”s? Totally! I’d worked in the same career for 20 years, started as a Saturday girl to being Area Manager of the highest turnover area in the UK. Then being a mum of two little people I had to make a change. I […]
Positivity Is A Superpower
So, as I sit on the plane to Tenerife I’m reading a lovely book and it’s got me thinking. What kind of person are you…Who you are, isn’t that the most important thing of all. (RJ Palacio, Wonder) As a solution focused psychotherapist and hypnotherapist I work with clients on each session discussing where they […]
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you all! (I can still say that, can’t I?) I’m pleased to be in the month of January, in a brand new year. My teenage boy struggled a bit in the Christmas holidays as his routine was all over the place, late waking up, late going to bed, lots of down time, drifting […]
December Thoughts
December, the last month of our year, the month where so much seems so poignant. Our thoughts may be on finances, lost loved ones, time management, family, goals, end of year dead lines…the list goes on. We have a whole eleven months to get there from one year to the next but it often seems […]
Your Journey
A few days left of this month and then we’re into December 2022.How often do we say or hear the phrase ‘Time goes so fast’ or ‘I cant quite believe this year’s nearly over, already!’ This can be a good thing- if you feel you’ve achieved all the things you wanted to- but not so […]