My Checklist of Needs I’m Sharing With You

Hooray, we’ve made it to the last month of another year, well done us!

We all have our own story to tell about 2023, the highs, lows, things you’ll choose to remember, things you’ll choose to forget. 

Struggles, needs, goals, successes.

Reflection is an opportunity for you to choose how you want to move forward, to make a decision on what you’ll focus on next year.

This year has been my deepest journey of self-awareness yet.

I want to share with you some of my secrets:

Letting Go

It’s not about who shouts the loudest, who’s most appreciated, who gets the last word. I say this as a parent and a partner, I used to feel angry, frustrated, unappreciated if I were tired angry or overwhelmed. 

Causing me to lash out. 

That wasn’t working for me, so I changed tactics.

Now, I walk away from frustrating situations, distract myself by doing something that makes me feel better, choosing to handle it later, when I’m calmer, allowing me time to feel able to say what I want to say.

Self Care

Exercise and running are number one for me for my self-care. Creating a goal of a half marathon has kept me focused on training and knowing I’m going on holiday to Sri-Lanka next year gives me a positive visualisation on how I want to see myself on the beach. 

I’ve also loved my first year in a choir and really embraced the live singing at fairs and theatres this month. Singing makes me happy.

My husband and I have started to have regular Reflexology sessions, not only is this a wonderful ritual for my mind and body but it’s something we have really enjoyed doing together. 


This has been and interesting one. We can find ourselves settled in the busyness of life sometimes having a block in learning new things, a block caused by fear, doubt, overthinking but we’re never too old to learn something new. Being open to how and why you want to learn sets a path of discovery, creating new neuro pathways in the brain. I continue to learn through reading, podcasts, audios and so much more as I want to educate myself and my clients, I want them to know tips and techniques on how to best support themselves.


I make plans for what I want to achieve for myself and my future. My ‘What ifs’ are invested in what good looks like. I write my goals down so I can see which way I’m heading. Our brains don’t know the difference between imagination and reality so make the picture the best one you can imagine.


We should always be working on this. How are my 3P’s, Positive thoughts, positive interactions and positive actions? Am I acting in an intellectual mind manner? Am I reacting because of previous negative patterns, and do I want to change that? 

This has supported me in not overreacting, so I can stay focused and calm, most of the time!

Our subconscious minds are always listening. So, what ever story you tell yourself your internal genie says, “your wish is my command!”

Hypnotherapy supports your subconscious mind. 

Allowing it to work with you and not against you.

Nothing changes if nothing changes!

Have you lost your way? 

Do you overthink, procrastinate, self-doubt? 

Do you need to implement some of my strategies?

I am now aware of the direction I’m taking towards my happiness and these secrets are mine for sharing. I have regular support so I can support you.

My sessions will always have a section for brain revision so you can learn something new each time. 

Habits take time to form, its up to you how quickly you choose to make that happen.

Be the change you want to see.

Make this new year your best one yet.
