With life being so busy and thousands of thoughts coming and going through our minds every day we don’t often focus on bringing ourselves into our own awareness.
A feeling and action I’ve come to use, on a daily basis, for myself as an individual and as a therapist supporting others.
If you don’t think the positive thought, then how can you react in a positive way. If our brain doesn’t know to think the thought it will follow the pattern it’s used to, whether that’s positive or negative, if we want to change it we need to be aware of it.
Bringing ourselves into our own awareness can be done through breathing techniques, habit changes and a decision to make positive change.
So, ask yourself:
Who are you?
You are not your past, your culture, your work, your situation. You are not stuck, you are not lost and if you really feel that way, there is always a way back.
You are your feelings your own true self and with practice and awareness you can decide what they will be and how you want to articulate them.
By using the power of your mind, you can get back to you!
Where are you?
Sometimes we find ourselves in a place in our lives and we’re not quite sure how we’ve got there.
Maybe you’ve come so far, great career, great family, financial security but you just don’t feel connected, at ease, happy.
Maybe you feel you have none of those things, you feel you’ve muddled through, accepted average, procrastinated about everything always.
With the support of hypnotherapy and by using the power of your mind you can find yourself!
Where are you going?
Where do you want to be?
Get clear focus on who you are, where you are and where you’re going by understanding how your subconscious mind works, by guiding it, knowing when to follow current habits and knowing when to replace them. Your subconscious mind will follow the pattern in your thoughts and actions, it’s your comfort zone, it will not advise you to leave your comfort zone as this is what it knows.
Be who you want to be!
Awareness is using your conscious mind, asking yourself the right questions to create positive thoughts.
Our brain only knows what we tell it. It doesn’t know the difference between imagination and reality.
Asking ourselves the question allows us to form the thought.
Using the power of our intellectual mind helps us to make clear decisions and thoughts around what we do want, this causes us to then want to repeat the pattern.
If this blog resonates with you, if you’re nodding your head and saying hmm, ‘this is me’ then come and join me for my in person 4 week course in June. You’ll be working with other like minded individuals in a group environment. It will be supportive, comforting and rewarding.
It can also be grounding, clarifying and cathartic.
My first course begins on the 22nd of June at 7.30pm, for 4 consecutive weeks, in Kingweald Community Centre in Burgess Hill, bring yourself back to your Awareness!
Helping every-day people every day!
Omara Hypnotherapy.